Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blog: Long overdue!

So much to catch up on since I haven't blogged in months! We didn't end up buying the house I posted pictures of before. We got a different one but it's equally beautiful. We're all moved in now and we love it. It's smaller than we hoped for but we make it work. The picture you see above is one of the ones that Matt took of the house before we moved in. We have taken out the palms you see behind the hydrangeas. Too much clutter. The trees were too close to the house. We're always making other changes too. It's a work in progress. . . A LOT of work in progress but so fun! We enjoy having the freedom to change things and make them ours.

The kids are enjoying school in our new "home town." We're back to being as busy as ever with appointments, dance classes, sports and activities. Life has settled into its usual hectic normal for us. For those of you who know us from facebook some of this will be a review but I wanted to catch the rest of you up. Willow's health seemed to decline this winter. So much so that she was actually on oxygen full time for a while. We were able to get her a bipap machine at night though. Nothing is perfect and this machine causes a major drooling problem which we are still trying to deal with but it has helped her oxygen requirements during the day IMMENSELY. She's now only using her oxygen when she walks for more than 2-3 minutes in a stretch. It's not often since she tires so easily anyway. She's able to take it off in the classroom now which helps with her mobility and independence. We are hoping with some of the new things we are doing that she'll be able to get off of the oxygen all together.

Lilliana is the only one of my kids not in public school this year. She's doing a home charter school program that allows her to work at her own pace which she loves! She's almost finished with an entire year's curriculum and there's still 2 months of school left. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of next year's math curriculum in the mail.

One major thing that's happening in our lives is that we're turning over a new "healthier" leaf. We've purged our cupboards of processed foods and we're trying to eat foods that are more clean, more raw and just better for you. We decided to do this to see if it would help the kids with some of their health and behavior problems. I'm also seeking some more alternative treatments such as chiropractic care to see if that helps. I'm tired of traditional doctors pushing pills. I woke up one day to realize that my kids were taking a total of 18 different meds and STILL had most of the same problems that they had in the first place and I decided enough is enough! I'm in the process of weaning kids off meds now and have only had positive results. Noah's gotten off of 2 of his medications so far and is still doing well! Daniel's going to be the hardest one to wean I think. I'm willing to try though!

We've been doing this for two weeks and so far only Noah has noticed a difference. He told me that he feels more focused. I've noticed the kids sleeping better. Even Lilli, my insomniac is falling asleep better! The people at school noticed that Willow has more energy and today when I picked her up, she was walking down the hall without her oxygen. She told her teacher she didn't need it. She was doing just fine without it. All good news to report so far. I am hoping to find the time to blog more regularly so I can keep track of our progress with our new healthier life!